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ERMAN GABELLINI et al.: Irrigating sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) by means of a decision support system in Italy
MARIE LAUNAY et al.: Impact of drought stress on sugar beet growth and sugar accumulation. Consequences for adjusting the STICS model
MICHAEL ASHER: The selection and characterisation of Polymyxa betae resistance derived from wild Betae species
MARK STEVENS et al.: Investigations into the interactions between Beet mild yellowing virus (BMYV) and Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) in susceptible and rhizomania-resistant varieties
GIANCARLO BELTRAMI: Comparison between resistance-management strategies for controlling Cercospora leaf spot on sugar beet
ALAN DEWAR et al.: Resistance in aphids to neonicotinoid insecticides, including imidacloprid, - good news so far
AMIRI R. et al.: Identification and mapping of a RAPD marker linked to beet necrotic yellow vein virus resistance gene (Rz2) in B. vulgaris subsp. maritima, accession WB42
DIECKMANN J. et al.: Influence of conservation tillage and direct drilling on soil physical properties and sugar beet yield
ERONEN L. et al.: Glyphosate and Glufosinate-ammonium Residues and Weed Control in Cultivation of GMO - sugar beets
GABELLINI E. et al.: Crop evapotranspiration between Hargeaves modified and Penman-Monteith formulas in drip-irrigated autumnal sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in Italy
GALLETTI S. et al.: Reducing sclerotium root rot incidence in sugar beet by integration of different biological approaches
HEUER H. et al.: Effect of repeated passes of heavy agricultural machinery on soil structure and sugar beet growth in different soil tillage systems
IOANNIDIS P.M. et al.: Control of Cercospora leaf-spot of sugar beet with tank or pre-packed mixtures of strobilurin and triazole fungicides in Greece
KAISER U. et al.: Threshold systems for integrated control of foliar leaf spot diseases in sugar beet - the German ‚summarische Bekämpfungsschwelle' DI 5/15/45 %
KARAOGLANIDIS G.S. et al.: Effect of cultivar tolerance and number of fungicide spray applications on the development of Cercospora leaf-spot epidemics on sugar beet
KEMPL F.: Comparison of results obtained over several years on soil research for sugar beet after the implementation of EUF in Austria
KHAYAMIM S. et al.: Determining extinction coefficient of sugar beet crop under different plant density and nitrogen application
KLUTH C. et al.: Effect of maize genotypes differing in susceptibility towards Rhizoctonia solani on subsequent infection of sugar beet with the late root rot
KLUTH S. et al.: Tissue print immunoassay (TPIA) can be used to describe resistance of sugar beet against Rhizoctonia solani
KHORSHID A. et al.: Investigation quantity and quality characteristics of sugar beet advanced cultivars in stress water, saline and non-stress conditions
KHORSHID A. et al.: Study on the selection response in different generations of sugar beet for saline and drought stress conditions
LOIBL B.: Effect of different row cleaners and closing wheels on the emergence of sugar beets in variable seed bed preparation systems
MANCHEN B. et al.: Comparison in 2005 of surface and ridge tillage practices in sugar beet in the North of Germany
MOHAMMADIAN R. et al.: Sugar beet water consumption reduction under dormant seeding under semi- arid conditions
PACYNA S. et al.: Effect of ploughing under a loess soil after several years of conservation tillage on sugar beet yield and quality
PFERDMENGES F. et al.: Attempts towards artificial inoculation methods of BNYVV to differentiate possible pathotypes with variable pathogenicity
QI A. et al.: Partitioning climatic drought into effects of soil water stress and hot temperature in the UK
SANDER G. et al.: Impact of irrigation on yield and quality of sugar beet in North-east Niedersachsen